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Aug 11, 2020

Google: Add Me to Search

Written By Pravin Kamble

Google launched “Add me to Search” feature to create People cards in India today 11 August 2020.

Google has today launched Add to me search option, an incredible feature that lets any user create a digital identity card within Google Search as Peoples’ Card.

As of now, this feature has only launched in India for now, Interesting right!

This new feature lets any users create their self digital visiting card on the mobile version of the Google Search Engine. The People Card feature is for social media influencers, bloggers, and for those all who want to be available on public search. 

The People Card included information such as name, occupation, location, bio, professional experience, education, contact details, and profile photo. There is also an about section that lets you add about the self that goes publicly on a card. This card will show up (if you have added one about yourself) whenever someone searches for you.

You can find this feature looks similar to the Knowledge Panels that show up every time you do a Google search for your favorite celebrity. Now, this new feature will be extended to all Indian citizens, which allows people to access their details through a simple Google search.

How To Create Google People Cards

1.Sign in to Google Accounts on Mobile
Sign in to your Google accounts using Chrome or any browser

2. Click to Google Search
Type “add me to Search” or search your name on Google

3. Click on Get started
On the top search result, click on Get started. You can also see the example of People Search Card.

4. Fill out the details
In prompt “Create your public card” fill out all the details like Name, Location, About, Occupation, education, and others.

5. Preview and Save
After completing the details click on preview and save

After you successfully saved the details, your personalized People card will be publicly visible and searchable after a few hours. If you are not able to see the People Card option on Google by searching your name or typing ‘add to me search’ on chrome mobile browser, I would recommend you that please clear your search history and cache and recheck.

Please let me know your thought and opinions about this incredible Google feature in the comment section below.

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